Just love music

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Seven Things That Will Destroy Us ~~ Mahatma Gandhi

"There are seven things that will destroy us:

Wealth without work;

Pleasure without conscience;

Knowledge without character;

Religion without sacrifice;

Politics without principle;

Science without humanity;

Business without ethics."

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Wonder" Cube Competition

"Wonder" Cube??? What the hell is that??? Ahaaa........ here is the story of "Wonder" Cube. I went back Malaysia for my vacation from 2Sep2010 to 16Sep2010. The day before my vacation, I went for souvenir hunting and I bought this cute cube made of timber. It has colourful beads arranged in circles at 4 of its sides. There was no name on the box, so I decided to call it "Wonder" Cube. Nice name, right?

The idea is to mix up all the colour beads and then in the shortest time arrange back same colour beads into the same sides. After trying it for a couple of days, we brought it along to our breakfast in Serendah. And, we decided we should compete among ourselves to see who can solve the puzzle in the shortest time. So, the "Wonder" Cube Competition went off.........

The youngest started first as usual ( being bullied by the older ones...............)

Then the oldest one took over as usual also ( bullied by the young ones...........)

Then the cheeky one took her turn ( she didn't get the title 'cheeky' for nothing coz she won the competition.........cheers!!!)

The cheekiest one took her turn ( watch her facial expression in the following video and you will agree with her title 'cheekiest'. Moreover, she was trying out other funny steps that she eventually messed up and didn't finish........... served her right!!!)

So, without further delay, presenting to you in the following video clip, THE

"Wonder" Cube Competition!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Magical Beauty Of Sunset

The Magical Beauty Of Sunset

It is one of my most enjoyable moment......
5 minutes. Yea, it takes only 5 minutes for
the sun to touch the horizon and vanish
below it.

It's magnificent colour combination of red,
orange and pink blending with the blueness
of the sky is just too difficult for words
to describe.

It is this very moment that I am completely
overwhelmed by such great creation and
realize that I, when comparing to it, is
just too small.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010



Sunday, October 10, 2010

Today is 101010......

Today is 101010.......... wow!!!! A Perfect 10 Day!!!

That's what I want to have everyday...... A Perfect 10 Day

S0 starting today, 101010, I am gonna

1. treat myself nice

2. treat people around even nicer

And enjoy A Perfect 10 Day................

What say you?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tea Plantation in Cameron Highland

Just couldn't resist the beautiful greens........... Remember the previous trip to Cameron Highland, more than 12 years ago, did not leave me with anything impressive. Maybe at that time the kids were too small..... the youngest one weren't even born yet, too busy attending to the kids. Or maybe I wasn't that much connected the nature. The flowers, cactus, strawberries, though as pretty, really didn't impressed me at that time.
This time around, they did, even though I believe they are just the same. So I guess after more than 12 years older, I got more connected to nature. Especially the tea plantation, the cool weather, the green........ just indescribable!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Musical Fountain, Burj Khalifa

Spectacular display............ just mesmerizing!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Before I can even start writing anything here, there is already this loud "SHUT UP!!! NOTHING SIGNIFICANT TODAY" ringing in my ears. Yes, today is 12 Aug 2010, the most insignificant day in my life............ and I will shut up after next three paragraphs.

So, it is not about today. It is about yesterday...... 11 Aug 2010, also known as 1 Ramadan 1431. It was the first day of 30-days fasting for the Muslims. Fasting is very significant event in the UAE. Employers are told to give the workers only 6 hours per day work instead of the normal of 8 hours per day. Yet, when I went rounding my site at 10.00am yesterday, I found only 3 workers working on site. There were supposed to be more than 40 workers on site, so where were the rest? This was only the first day of fasting month, and was I supposed to shut up? Was it not significant?

Yea, it is not today. It is the next 142 days. Why? Because today is the 858th day I am in UAE and 142 days later, I will be 1000 days in UAE. Wow!!! Don't know what to say...... Not in my wildest imagination as I embarked into my first flight on 7 Apr 2008, that I will see my 1000th day here. I was told the project period was 10 months. At the very most, it will take up to a year. Yet it is only 142 days away to the 1000th day. Well, maybe I will not hit 1000th day as the work needs not more than 100 days to complete. But then in UAE, almost all projects are slow and nobody actually really knows. And it really doesn't matter right now whether it is 900 days or 1000 days as it is way too far from initial expectation. The good questions suddenly emerge in my mind : Who is to be blamed for this delay? The workers? The weather? The system? Or could it be me? Maybe, I should just shut up.

One more day, which is also not today. It is very easy to guess. It is tomorrow, 13 Aug 2010. No reward for correct guessing. It is my birthday, my 45th birthday. So Happy Birthday to me....... shut up lah. Happy 45th Birthday....... SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPP!